
本厂成立于2009年,是一家生产销售于一体的华雅钻饰辅料厂,致力于饰品配件的设计和开发专业生产网钻、黑白网纱领钻、图形钻饰、3厘两头尖底A 钻、烧焊钻饰、24排A钻、帽钉、陶瓷钻、仿珍珠等钻饰辅料等产品。拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。华雅钻饰辅料厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。 所有产品都广泛适用于女装男装童装、裙子、上衣、T恤、 鞋子、女鞋、 靴子、 凉鞋、箱包、女包、钱包、羊毛衫、打底裤,牛仔裤、帽子、围巾、腰带、饰品、及各种装饰物。 工厂位于深圳宝安城区,并在广州中大布市《广州国际轻纺城》设有直销中心,位于负一层UG1355-1店面。公司产品销售网络已覆盖全国各大服装市场,接轨国际市场,产品远销亚洲、中东、欧洲、非洲、美洲等几十个国家及地区。欢迎各界新老客户来样定做。 The factory was established in 2009, is a production and sales in one of the Hua Ya diamond accessories factory, committed to the jewelry accessories design and professional production and development of net drill, drill collar, black and white gauze graphics diamond, 3 per cent two sharp bottom A drilling, welding diamond, 24 rows of A drill, nail, drill, imitation ceramic cap pearl diamond accessories and other products. Has a complete, scientific quality management system. Hua Ya diamond accessories factory integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. All products are widely applicable to women men children's clothing, skirt, jacket, T-Shirts, shoes, boots, sandals, shoes, bags, handbags, wallets, wool sweater, leggings, jeans, hats, scarves, belts, ornaments, and various ornaments. The factory is located in Shenzhen city Baoan City, and "in the Guangzhou Guangzhou International Textile City" has a direct sales center, located in the negative a layer of UG1355-1 store. Company product sales network covering the whole country each big clothing market, into the international market, products are exported to Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, America and other countries and regions. Welcome new and old customers to oem. [了解更多]



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    免责声明: 本页是深圳市宝安区石岩华雅钻饰辅料厂在易企网站的黄页介绍页,一切信息均为企业主动开放在互联网,国家企业信用信息公示系统,或经工商网站可查。
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    通讯地址:广东广州市海珠区中大广州国际轻纺城负一层UG1355-1档 浙ICP备17016739号-4
